Friday 20 February 2015

#FFF Flash Fiction Friday - flower girl

The Flash Friday Fiction gang are the best damn group of perverts you'll ever read.

Every Friday we write flashes of precisley100 words inspired by a given picture.

She emerged from the flowers and faced the sun. Warmth flooded her body. New, fresh, her skin welcomed the energy, embraced the power. Movement, free, chosen, no longer the whim of the breeze; she explored and tested the range and extent of her limbs. Her fingers stretched and found her hair. Through the silky flow her hands moved and met curls and petals and buds. Jewels, from her seeds, tumbled down her back.

Her lover's wish had been granted when he'd scattered her in the meadow by the light of the full moon and the morning star. She was reborn.

Please check out the other Friday Fiction Flashers


  1. A lovely wish for her lover to request.
    Loved this flash x

  2. This was very romantic, descriptive with eloquent images. Beautiful. xo

  3. Very magical, I love the awakening, really comes across.

  4. Oh that is such a lovely interpretation :-)

  5. Love your take on the pic. So romantic. Great flasher

  6. Mmmm sweet and renewed. To be reborn and to be able to start again fresh without anything holding us back. A new beginning. Awesome flash!

  7. Beautiful interpretation. I love the idea of rebirth, her lover's wish granted. So now I'm wondering who's her lover ;-)

  8. Wow, I was moved by it. Brilliant piece!
